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What type of conduit to use underground?

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-06-18      Origin: Site

What type of conduit to use underground?

Conduits are primarily used for safety purposes - nullifying the threat of avoidable accidents such as short-circuits, fire and electrocution. Additionally, conduits group wires together, isolating them from other circuits, making maintenance far easier.

But which type of conduit is best for your project? It’s a question asked by many project managers, and with so many conduit types available, it can be difficult to know right from wrong.

For project managers overseeing an underground conduit project, it is especially important to make the right decision. Fortunately, there is an array of conduits available, ranging from traditional to the latest innovations.

Traditional Metal Conduits

Conduits come in a wide range of builds and materials, each well-suited to a particular budget and project type. Below are several traditional options for underground conduits:

· Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC): a thick and heavy conduit typically made of coated steel, stainless steel, or aluminum. RMC is tremendously strong, which makes it a smart choice for extremely harsh areas. That being said, it’s weight makes installation difficult, and subsequently, more expensive than other options.

· Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): a lightweight, bendable material that is typically used for conduits within walls. Its lightweight nature means it can be damaged easily and isn’t a preferred option for underground work given the harsh elements.

· Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC): is manufactured using helical coiling with strips of interlocked aluminum or steel. The hollow tube can have wire pulled through it and can be bent into position. This conduit type is best used in narrow spaces with tight bends.

Disadvantages of Traditional Options

· RMC connections are threaded, making wiring installation more difficult.

· RMC and FMC have thick walls which make installation more labour-intensive and expensive.

· EMT can only be used in projects where it will not encounter severe physical damage.

· EMT is more difficult to cut and bend.

· The fault-finding process is more arduous.

If you have an outdoor conduit project and you are unsure which material is best, get in touch with Lonwow. Our experts will make an informed decision to your needs.

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