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What is EMT CONDUIT and do I need to use it for my project?

Views: 223     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-01-07      Origin: Site

What is EMT CONDUIT and do I need to use it for my project?

The tubes that are used in buildings for protection, as well as routing of electrical wiring, are called conduits. Conduits must be provided to ensure safety as well as proper fixing of the wires irrespective of whether it is in the basement of a building or a large commercial complex. In all types of electrical projects conduits of different types are used. 

Mostly conduits are made from metal, plastic, fibre and fired clay. According to the architectural design of the building, conduits are made either rigid or flexible. By holding the wires properly and protecting them conduits ensure the safety of the wiring as well as the building. Normally conduits are kept inside the walls and electricians provide conduits mainly for the exposed areas of the building such as basements, garages, closets and laundry rooms. 

EMT Conduit

EMT conduit is a common type of conduit and is made of aluminium and coated steel. This type of conduit has a thin wall and it replaces the galvanized conduit. Apart from being flexible, EMT conduit is more affordable also. These are highly lightweight metallic tubes and are used with or without threaded fittings. EMT Conduits are available in a variety of sizes and dimensions and this type of conduits are very common in industrial and commercial products. EMT Conduits are used in residential homes and  various construction projects also. EMT conduits are available in a variety of colours and it is advantageous when multiple types of conduits are required for a project. For the main EMT conduit, a colour that will stand out can be used so that the main EMT can be easily identified. 


Why EMT is the right Conduit?

In almost all electrical projects in commercial, industrial or warehouse buildings, EMT conduits are used. EMT Conduits are easy to procure since they are available in almost all hardware stores. These conduits can be easily cut, bent and installed since they are flexible. For different types of construction projects, EMT has been identified as the most lightweight material to use and it is very easy to work with EMT conduits. When the EMT conduits are exposed which happens sometimes, they display a variety of colours. Though one has to meet the local rules and requirements for cutting EMT conduits, an experienced electrician can easily and quickly perform the task. When the EMT conduit is properly cut, it can be easily bent as required. Aluminium conduits are lightweight and are easier than other types of conduits to work with. Though Rigid Conduits can be bent very easily as in the case of EMT Conduits, you can't make them embed into the concrete. The rigid conduits are likely to get corroded by the alkalis present in the cement. 


Though EMT conduits are less rigid when compared to some other types of conduits, it is to be understood that EMT conduits are made of aluminium which is rigid. When compared to other materials, aluminium is more resistant to corrosion. Rigid conduits will corrode if they come in contact with concrete. The extra protective coating is to apply over them to prevent corrosion and it will further increase the cost of the project. 

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